A cycle of 17 spiritual poems
(By Costas Kyritsis 2015)
The roots of matter
(By Costas Kyritsis 2015)
The roots of matter
At the beginning there was sound
and the sound came from the black stars
At the beginning there was sound
and the sound was towards the worlds
At the begging there was sound
and the sound was not
of the visible matter
At the begging there was sound
and the sound created the atoms
of the visible matter
At the beginning
there was the sound of my song
for not all that matters is matter.Your medicine will be the sound
You take your bitter pill
hoping to get better
now knowing
that you also
get worse
You take your bitter pill
from the poison of the dragon
a present from the snake's eyes
But your cure, one day
will be smooth and sweet
like the melody of a song
like the scent of a flower
like the colors of the rainbow
Your medicine will be the sound
your medicine will be the color
the sound and the color
that your own cells hide
in the depths of your aether.
The right to decide our own fate
My dear friend
you were not born
to be a slave of money
not to be able to decide your fate
to let others betray your trust.
My dear friend
you were not born
to be a slave
of an ultra rich oligarchy
to be a slave of survival
to be a slave of a fake reality
My dear friend
you were born
to decide your own fate
and each one decide
the fate of all
My dear friend
you were born
to blossom your free will in peace and solidarity
to blossom your happiness in equality.
The invisible worlds
We look at what we think as
our common country
that we call reality
some with horror
sometimes with bliss
But what we see
is not all matter that is
some of us already existed
in the homelands of invisible realities
in aether planets and forests unseen
with aether flowers of colors indescribable
in oceans of liquid light unseen
with skies of stars unrevealed.
It is were we come from
in our own sacred past
It is where we will return again
after we have witnessed the visible
My way was miracles
From were I come
there are colors unknown
as the sunlight surfs
on aether oceans
of liquid light.
From were I come
the spirit is powerful on matter
a matter transparent , that shines and is lite
that we wear as our mood
and we change as our mood.
From where I come
an aethereal bright planet
our way is of miracles
that we perform
and are as easy as your words.
The 3 kinds of slavery that I met
From my travelling in this planet
thousands of years of human adventures
I tell you I met 3 kinds of slavery
hunting the men and women.
The first was
of the bloody weapon
of the wary tyrant
who rules
by fear and death.
But the second is subtle
a slavery impersonal
that blinds the perception
and they call it Money.
It seem random and like neutral
but make no mistake
it is carefully designed
by a ruthless oligarchy
that deeply down
hates the human existence
And the last kind of slavery
is miraculous and sweet
many still find in it
consolation and power
But it is still an adultery
to the spiritual evolution of the majority
and it is exercised
mainly through religions.
The language of silence
When all the words
will have been said
so many times
that will be enslaving chains
And all their phrases
will have been understood
for millions of times
And people will
feel tired to speak anymore
Then a silence will come
that was waiting for eons
and the spirit will awaken
in the human minds
It will start speaking
with the speed of light
with changing imagery
different in each mind
shared from mind to mind
millions of join living 3D movies
in silence and ecstasy
that covers all the planet
as a new reality
that reveals and opens
the new understanding
of everything , by everyone
The invisible Gods of Jupiter
Two aethers higher
of our visible reality
Two frequencies higher
of our visible reality
there are planets unseen
and the stars have different colors
Two aethers higher
of our visible reality
The planet Jupiter
is a small bluish sun
and there are planets unseen
Two aethers higher
of our visible reality
there is a civilization of Gods
on an invisible satellite of Jupiter
They look like humans
in semitransparent , lite bodies
and together with their animals and trees
they have as their only food
their bluish sun's light.
They love each other
even without touching
and they do their miracles
as easy as we speak.
Two aethers higher
of our visible reality
a human civilization spins around Jupiter
you may call them Gods
but they are simply
as our deeper selves,
materialized in aether.
Ageless Existence
My dear friend
celebrate honorably the glory
of our deeper existence
My dear friend
celebrate with sensitivity your mortal body
that our deeper existence wears
My dear friend
celebrate respectfully the presence
of our divine existence
My dear friend
celebrate with joy the ageless wisdom
of our deeper existence
The earth of Julius Vern
I have seen the earth
said Julius
and it is by far
more beautiful
that you may think.
It is not a hell
of magma and fire
It is hollow
with oxygen inside
forests and animals
oceans and clouds
I have seen its
bright bluish
central sun
where there is no
day and night
winter and summer
I have seen the miracle
of gravitation reversals
and the liveliness
of the taller animals
I have seen the peace
of the inner cities
the hidden continents
behind the blue sky
and felt the feeling
of being in a vast temple
The speaking dolphin
My friend said the dolphin
look at the beauty
of the water space
with the golden light
at its top
I have traveled
from continent to continent
But the humans do not
understands us
They hunt and they prison us.
I have saved many
drowning men
and I have carried them
to the sea-shore
I talk to the wales
and you do not
understand them too
The sea knows our songs
with the story of our races
Man oh man!
I do not have hands
I do not have legs
But I think and I whistle
in our trinary language
I think and I whistle
the poems that I compose
for my friends
Man Oh man!
Please learn
to speak with us
for we are
the most sentient
of the animals
For thousands of years
we live on this planet
in inequalities
poor and rich
superior and inferior
haves and non-haves
But I know
our future is equality
The great day
that we will not
use any more
money on earth
it will be
the great celebration
of equality.
You may say I am a dreamer
but we are not alone
for many cousin civilizations
in the shining galaxies
enjoy their happy planets
without the use of money
Born in our ignorant
mortal bodies
we all deserve
the precious equality
What we need to save
is not money
but our join consciousness
within equality
for this is
what leads us fast
to evolved happiness.
The Trojan horse called Moon
We are looking at it
for 10 thousand years
we have fallen in love
under its silver light
we have sung it
in our poems
Too big to be
the earth's daughter
too dead to be
the earth's sister
Hollow, it is spinning
with perfect solar period
and it shows
always on purpose
half of its face.
In Arcadia in Greece
there are still people
that they are called
pre-moon humans
for in their scripts of tradition
still remember
the ancient times
with no moon
spinning in the sky.
Where Moon comes from?
They say it was
a companion
of the broken Phaethon planet
My friend have faith
to our beautiful ancestors
that well they know the Moon
as the Draconian Trojan horse
but are bravely determined
to prevent us from enslaving
The drinkable Oceans
I cry
for the lost abundance
in the planet
of the drinkable water oceans
I remember the Atlantis times
when still all the animals
where drinking from the sea.
and every little island
was a living paradise.
Black is the day
That the Anunnaki
visitors from Sirius B
of the ancient Sumerians
gave the scar to the planet earth
with white salt
All over the galaxies
still all the animals
of the oxygen living planets
still drink water
from the oceans.
Gulliver's gift
When Gulliver returned
from his travels in the stars
among his stories
one I loved most
as it touched
the scar of my living
He said he went
to the evolved
cousin civilizations
and nowhere among them
did he found one
to utilize money
or sell their time and work
for money and survival
For if they did
it would be a pity
and a slavery
of the human soul
It would be a pity
as pity is selling
ancient human slaves
It would be a pity
as pity is selling
the body for sex.
But they were working
for their free-will and joy
with respect for their time
My dear friend
when shall we be
soul-sensitive enough
so as not to accept the slavery
of the paid-work for survival?
My dear friend
when shall we be free
to spend our time on earth
with joy and peace
only where our soul wants?
Who made the Dinos?
Oh Oh Ahii Ahii
Oh Oh Ahii Ahii
The pain of earth is old
and the scars seem gone
Earth is dancing
around a rarely bright sun
and she was dressed
long time ago
by the old gardeners
with most beautiful life
with drinking water oceans
and cool sunny forests
full of beautiful mammals
and silver rivers
But her beauty was envied
by the dying dragons
who teared apart
all her beautiful life
and forced her to dress
the ugly artificial reptiles
The dying dragons
the artificial dragons
wanted to invent
their fake past evolution.
Till one day came
that the sons
of the old gardeners
came back and burned the dinosaurs
beating badly the dying dragons
at the cost of their people
So they put back
the dress of the loving mammals
and the good looking humans
This is the story my friend
so that earth today
with a good life again
may stand among the brides
of the true and beautiful consciousness
I feel the silent mood of life
As the seasons go by
The cold feet of the birds
In the autumn as winter comes.
I feel the death of the autumn leaves
The fear of the small animals
If they will survive the winter
I feel the humanity’s mood
The desperation of the poor
The fear of the war refugees
The asphyxiation of the slaves of money.
And I feel also the warmth of the summer
In the juices of the trees
In the blood of lizards
On the skin of the birds
I feel the forgetfulness of the people
swimming in the warm summer sea
I feel the roughness of the storms
And the wetness of the clouds.
But I find the rhythms of nature more serious
Than the rhythms of the money schedules.
So the feelings from my own self
Are so small compared to the feelings of
Nature and humanity.
That are my living-by
And still the one that feels is not all of my self
The feelings being a proof of being alive
In the visible reality
But a not a proof that nothing else exists
So I stand on the awareness of the feelings
and I let them flow like wind
And I stand on the knowledge
that life, initially sacred was created
Without all its present pray-predator pain
in frequencies of realms undreamed
And for the sake of this initial life
I always discover the divine joy in it
before it was fallen
as life in the visible reality
A joy that appears often unnoticed
By the seekers of power of the visible world
hidden in nothingness
and as common as
The game of light on waters.
And the sweet hag of the sea breeze
After a fiery sunny day.